Hey there, I have learned throughout my years of facilitation as a yoga teacher, master resilience trainer and reiki master that enlightenment is not an altered state of consciousness; it is coming out of an altered state of consciousness.

Sometimes we are faced abruptly into adversity, which is meant to test our faith within ourselves and even our connection to the Universe, Divine Source or God. It happens through many ways.

It could be undergoing physical suffering, as well as mental or even heartbreak. In summary, life is full of adversity, since the moment we are delivered out of our mother’s womb (our safest zone) in order to face this world full of difficulties.

However, if we keep ourselves attached to the past experiences that caused us any type of pain; we lose connection to ourselves, to what we want, to our life’s purpose and to our source of love and gratitude, God.

If we accept and realize that is within ourselves to break the chain of resentment, lack of forgiveness, to shelter compassion and love then we will be able to heal and evolve eventually into a better version of ourselves.

During this week of reflexion meditate and see yourself able to:

Choose understanding if you were judged.

Choose accountability in order to make anything up.

Choose acceptance if you were rejected.

Choose compassion if you were shamed.

Choose to be the person you needed when you were hurting, not the person who hurt you. Vow to be better than who broke you.

Choose to heal instead of becoming bitter so you can act from your heart, not your pain.

Forgiveness and love were the main teachings of our greatest master of resilience, Jesus. Throughout his short life, his crucifixion and resurrection he left us a great message and lesson that resonates a lot with Victor Hugo’s quote “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

Last but not least;

It is within our will and practice of selflove to move on from the darkest night and allow our sun to rise.


Glenda Lee Santos; Humble Military and Yoga Warrior; Criminal Justice, BA; Holistic Practitioner with Foundation in Yoga and Ayurveda; Reiki Master; Spirit Guide Coach; Master Resilience Trainer.


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